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Car Seats

Safety First
For safety reasons, it’s best not to donate, sell or reuse a car seat that has been recalled, in an accident or is expired. Also, the current plastics recycling market can be highly unpredictable. Global factors or regulations can impact recyclers and waste haulers’ ability to accept car seat components in a curbside recycling bin. Check with your city waste hauler or city recycling coordinator for potential options specific to your area. 


Retail Locations
Some retailers offer local car-seat trade in programs. Check large discount and chain stores to see if they have a car seat turn-in program. Sometimes you may receive store credit or monetary reward for your car seat. 

Curbside Recycle Bin
If your car seat is unusable, some waste haulers may take the plastic portions of the car seat in your regular recyclable bin. Please check directly with your hauler for details.

It’s a good idea to keep up to date on the most current child safety seat laws. For more information, visit the California Highway Patrol page here.


* Please note that some external links provide information that is not managed nor updated by OC Waste & Recycling.  You may contact those sites directly with any questions, requests or updates. We will routinely monitor external sites linked from our pages. 

Recycling Tip